IP Awareness & Education

IP Ecosystem Collaboration

IP Diversity & Inclusion

Create an Intellectual Property (IP) awareness and education platform and delivery system to be utilized throughout world.

IP Awareness & Education
Objective 1

Raise awareness of all global citizens of what IP is, what it means to them, how they can use it in their lives, and how we can use it to transform ideas into realities that improve peoples’ lives

IP Awareness & Education
Objective 2

Work with educators to integrate results-oriented IP training and skills development into the K-12, university and other education systems worldwide

Lead the development of a collaborative Intellectual Property (IP) ecosystem globally for the efficient and effective creation, protection, and enablement of innovations for all citizens.

IP Ecosystem Collaboration
Objective 1

Bring together all interested stakeholders in IP creation, protection, and enablement to reimagine ways to work in a more efficient manner to most effectively utilize intellectual property

IP Ecosystem Collaboration
Objective 2

Inform the ecosystem of IP stakeholders to direct their energies into education and collaborative building of their components of the IP ecosystem, promoting imagination and creativity, thus generating value for society

Facilitate diversity and inclusion of Intellectual Property (IP) so that all people and ideas have an opportunity for success.

IP Diversity & Inclusion
Objective 1

Identify diversity disparities within the IP ecosystem to understand causes and barriers, eliminate bias, and illustrate the benefits and successes of a more inclusive IP community

IP Diversity & Inclusion
Objective 2

Work with global IP stakeholders to enhance diversity & inclusion of ideas so that the best creations and innovations get protected, enhancing socio–economic value